Numbers are everything. Find Solace in our numbers.
$RUNE is created with a starting supply of zero. There Is no initial distribution.
Max Supply
The maximum supply is 55,500,000 $RUNE There will be 3 halving periods. Each halving will reduce $RUNE staking rewards by 50%. First Halving 50% of total supply mined - (27,750,000) Second Halving 75% of total supply mined (41, 625, 000) Third Halving 87.5% of total supply mined (48,562,000)
Staking Rates
Each Mallard NFT you stake will be able to mine 5 $RUNE per day.
You must stake your Mallard NFT to a Smart Contract and thus will no longer hold it in your wallet. You can un-stake at any point but will stop earning rewards if you do so.
You are able to claim your $RUNE at any point, including daily.
Invitation Letters:
Each Invitation Letter you stake will be able to mine 25 $RUNE per day.
You must stake your Invitation Letter NFT to a Smart Contract and thus will no longer hold it in your wallet. You can un-stake at any point but will stop earning rewards if you do so.
You are able to claim your $RUNE at any point, including daily.
Each Relic you stake will be able to mine 1.5 $RUNE per day
Traits Bonus :
Staking a Mallard with special traits will mine bonus $RUNE when staking. See the chart below to for each Traits bonus.
Staking multiple Invitation Letters will mine bonus $RUNE when staking. (not yet implemented)
Staking Mallards with complete Schools of Thought will multiply your overall daily $RUNE rewards. -This bonus has a maximum multiplier achieved by having 5 completed Schools of Thought. (this feature has not been implemented yet)
Last updated